We cherish your messages. Take a moment to write a note in our guestbook or read entries from other visitors. —The Tysons

PS. We've recently changed the way that you leave messages with us, due to an abhorrent amount of spam messages left in the guest book, we are now requiring that you verify your post via your email account. We apologize greatly for this added step you need to take to post a message to us, but thank you immensely for taking the time (and extra step) to send us a message.

Uncle Pat and Aunt Lorrie

Looking forward to another drum and/or school session with our favorite drummer/student.  As always, we work on Callen's schedule and hope he is feeling well today.


Aunt Lorrie and Uncle Pat

Friday, December 04, 2015 10:39 AM
Maria Thomson

Dear Dr. Tyson,

Thank you for sharing with us and giving us the opportunity to offer all of the positive thoughts and prayers we can! By delivering my babies you became a special person to our family and although we don’t know you outside of your role as physician, you and your family have a special place in our hearts.

You have an amazing and beautiful family!

Maria (Thomson), Danny, Tenzin and Sloane Shang

Tuesday, November 03, 2015 04:33 PM
Deidre Belcher

Dearest Katie-

Thank you for taking the time to post (another) beautifully constructed update on Callen. As you and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers, we anxiously await your updates as we continually wonder how things are going on the front lines, with our most favorite superhero. We continue to be amazed by your ability to clearly and passionately relay the normalcy that has become your families life. With each update, I shed tears of hope, joy and pain for each member of the Tyson family. What a touching update about each of the individuals who have worked to ensure that Callen's (and Moms) days at school are spent in a safe (and somewhat normal) environment. While I can't imagine what you're going through, I do know that I would do anything to ease you and your families pains.... Much love and support, Deidre Belcher

"Just as a man cannot live without dreams, he cannot live without hope. If dreams reflect the past, hope summons the future" ~ Elie Wiesel

Wednesday, October 07, 2015 10:30 PM
Alice Rauschkolb

Thanks so much Kate. You keep us involved in your journey and you keep it so real. That little guy is as strong and as tough as his mother! X0

Wednesday, October 07, 2015 07:20 PM
Cara Hoover

It's been a while since I've written, but I think of and pray for you all often. Callen's eyes are so bright, I am just amazed by him. Lots of love to you all ~ Cara Hoover

Thursday, September 24, 2015 02:30 PM
Tracy Ellerman

What a beautiful picture and definitely worth a thousand words!

Sunday, September 20, 2015 11:38 AM
Patricia Noller

Hi Katie...what a precious picture...just want you to know I am always thinking of all of you....I keep up with your amazing and heartfelt journal...and remember you in my prayers....I hope to see you soon...love, Aunt Pat

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 05:53 PM


Thank you for your journal updates on the current state of our favorite drummer.  The quality of your writing makes it all just a bit more real to the reader and let's us all know how fortunate Callen is to have you and Jim as his Mommy and Daddy.  I am sure that I share the sentiment of most in that, even with the vivid word picture you paint, I can't even begin to comprehend what it must be like for you, and Jim, and most of all, Callen.  I do know that in the day to day home/work/life struggles that seem so big at the time, the times I find myself thinking that it is all too hard, and thinking that "I can't", or that "I don't want to", all I need to do is think of Callen and suddenly I can.  He is an inspiration to us all.  God Bless you and your beautiful family.  Love, Uncle Pat and Aunt Lorrie.

Sunday, August 23, 2015 02:32 PM
Susan Hickey

God bless you all.  I pray that your strength, individually and as a cohesive family, will carry you all through this. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015 04:55 PM
The Eckert Family

Dear Dr.Tyson & family,

I check in on Callen often and we are keeping you all in our prayers.

I cry profusely at each entry I read and marvel at the strength you have to be able to share this difficult time with the world.

We cannot help but think about that Callen got sick right before we had our twins--without you, Dr.Tyson, our Christopher would have had an even longer road than he's had. We are so thankful to you for all the care you gave me & our boys--I can never express that.

We will continue to keep you all in our prayers and hope upon hope for spectactular days ahead. We know he can beat this!


Michele, Ricky, Christopher & Lincoln Eckert

Thursday, June 11, 2015 11:12 PM
Deidre Belcher

Dearest Tyson Family-

Each of you continue to be in our daily thoughts and prayers. We can't wait to hear that Parvo is No- Mo! Love, The Belchers

Thursday, June 11, 2015 10:28 AM
Emily Musser

I continue to keep your family in my prayers. You are by far the strongest, most loving people! Please know that we are with you every step of the way! Go Team Callen!

Monday, April 06, 2015 03:07 PM
Aunt Lorrie and Uncle Pat

Our prayers and well wishes are with Callen and all of you this Easter.  We are hopeful that his hospital stay will be brief and that he can be home practicing his one, two, smash, four again soon.  We love you all.

Sunday, April 05, 2015 01:17 PM
Tori Drummond

Dr. Tyson,

Now that I'm pregnant with my third baby (a boy!), I'm back in the office and I miss seeing your smiling face on a regular basis. I'm so glad you are where you need to be taking care of your family. I hope that your son's doctors are treating you with the same level of care and concern that you always show your patients.

I enjoy reading your updates. You are an amazing mom. I'm praying for your family and especially Callen through the rollercoaster of recovery. Happy Easter!

Tori Drummond

Saturday, April 04, 2015 05:17 PM
Patty ReShore

There is a chorus of " Lets hear it for the boy "running through my head! I have read your last journal entry multiple times and can't stop smiling!! We are forever keeping the faith baby!

Thursday, March 05, 2015 04:39 PM
Susan Hickey

Pre-school - YEAH!  Miracles happen every day.  Hold on to that belief.

Wednesday, March 04, 2015 02:30 PM
Monica Spain

May Gods peace be with you all during this brave and courageouse fight...Thru God, Thee can endure all things.. 

God Bless

Monica Spain☺️

Thursday, February 26, 2015 12:23 AM
Brigite Stark

Dear Katie,

I wanted you to know that I think about you and your family often and pray for Callen.  You were such a blessing to me last year and I am forever grateful.  Thank you for the updates, I know it can't be easy, but I appreciate your vulnerability.  Sending prayers and love!

Brigite Stark

Thursday, February 12, 2015 04:24 PM
Deidre Belcher

Dearest Katie- I would like to volunteer to come once a week to ensure that the Tyson Fleet of Vehicles are "road ready". For the next 868 days, the road to recovery must be traveled in cars that have all fluid levels filled, current state inspections, oil changes, good tires, etc. All you have to do is leave the keys in the cars and allow another to take one everyday task off of your plate. You and your family continue to be in our daily thoughts and prayers. I hope that you find comfort in the prayers and well wishes of the many members of Team Callen.

Thursday, February 05, 2015 08:44 AM
Cheryl Spencer

Hi Katie (Dr. Tyson),

You, your precious son, and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I am praying for your son's restored health.  You helped me to bring a healthy baby into the world despite some complications.   And I wish the same for your precious boy!!!  May he soon know the pure joys of being a child and nothing else.  If you or your family need anything, please let me know.  No matter how big or small!!!  I am here for you all!!!



Monday, February 02, 2015 10:11 AM
Kelly Carter

Dr. Tyson, 

I just wanted to write and let you know how often I think of you and pray for your sweet family. Along this difficult (for lack of a correct word) journey, I hope Callen has had Dr.'s that have taken care of him the way you took care of me and my family. We will continue to keep you , Callen, and your family in our prayers! 

Kelly, Van, Addison, and Chloe Carter

Monday, January 26, 2015 09:25 PM
Caty Winyard

Dr. Tyson,

You and your family were on my heart this afternoon, so I just wanted to "stop by" and let you know that y'all are in my prayers!  My heart is torn as I read the last journal entry.  Words are failing me as I cannot imagine what you and your family has had to go through in the last year.  I wish I could ease the heartache, but I will continue to pray for healing and peace for the Tyson family!

Caty Winyard, mom to Cole and Charlie

Monday, January 19, 2015 04:29 PM
Carey Mason Perkins

Katie, you and your family are much on my mind. Prayers for all ascending.

Sunday, January 18, 2015 08:58 AM
Lindy Dorfman

Dr. Tyson,

I was checking up on you through your blog and your New Year's post broke me heart.  I am so sorry for all the pain that Callen and the rest of your family is currently enduring and believe that someday - hopefully someday soon - that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

You were my rock for both of my pregnancies and deliveries.  I knew talking to you that everything would be OK.  I hope that your family has many many "Dr Tyson's" to buoy you up during your trials.

Lindy, Ryan, Oliver and Adelaide Dorfman

Thursday, January 08, 2015 07:29 AM
Julie Murphy

Jim and Katie,

We hope you had a Merry Christmas. Many prayers for healing for Callen and strength and peace for all of you. We think of you often.

much love,

Mike, Julie, Reed, and Conner

Thursday, January 01, 2015 02:44 PM
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